Friday, April 24, 2009

Reflections on Earth Week

As Earth Week comes to a close, it seems like the perfect time to reflect a bit on what I do and why I do it. For the love of the planet and each and every living thing upon it.

I recently traveled to Auburn, AL.
While I was there, I noticed this beautiful river cane forest (which totally resembles bamboo).
I just HAD to wander in and get some pics!


I got the shots above and a few other neat ones, but it was on my way out that I stumbled upon possibly the most profound pictures...




I don't know why I was so horrified by it?
Maybe because I know that they will not decompose on their own...?
Maybe because I know that the chemicals inside them were destined to leach into the surrounding area and pose a hazard to the natural beauty...?
Or maybe, just maybe it's because that sight is the embodiment of all that I strive to correct and balance out in this world by creating cloth diapers and incontinence tools.

So - if you've helped save the world even a single pack of 'sposies by using cloth, please pat yourself on the back and accept my heart felt thanks.

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